
Extra-ordinary people make extra-ordinary places.
And so on.

This is a place for artists and retailers, businessmen and families, young talents, old tenants, future generations…
Meet the faces of this unique district.

8 portraits
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Yves Goldstein

“For me, the northern quarter is a Brussels story. A story that for a long time was mono-functional and that for several years has tended to evolve very positively towards a much more mixed and lively district, much more pleasant to live in.”

Sophie De Smedt

“Brussels North is also a place where I get together with my colleagues for lunch or a walk. Brussels North is very diverse. It’s a great place to work and a great place to be”

Mohamed El Hajaiji

“The Quartier Nord is a very dynamic neighbourhood, multicultural not only in its ethnicity but also in its activities. It’s a neighbourhood where there are some really big players in various fields. These include large groups, but also local businesses with a supranational dimension, such as those in the Rue de Brabant.”

Aurel Gavriloaia

“For me, the Quartier Nord was one of the first neighbourhoods I visited when I arrived in Brussels, and at the same time it was one of the first neighbourhoods I worked in in the early 90s. Now it’s also the district in which I’m redoing projects, sometimes in places and on sites that I built or had built in the early 90s.”

Fabienne Bovenrade

“The Quartier Nord is a very diverse area… full of resources and in full development. It’s full of resources and is developing fast. I’m delighted to be working here.”

Dieter Leyssen

“The Quartier Nord is an area with a difficult history, but one that I believe can mean a great deal for Brussels in the future. It can offer a space for associations and people to work and live…. A space that doesn’t exist in other districts”

Ftouma Laayoune

“For me, Brussels North is my workplace. It’s where Sew4Life was founded. For me, it’s actually where everyone is. Everyone passes through the station. There are the people who come to work in the financial towers and there is the Brabantstraat. That’s where Schaarbeek starts…”

Alexandre Lefebvre

“For me, the Northern Quarter is a very densely populated part of Brussels, where there’s always something going on. It’s on the border between working-class neighbourhoods and an administrative and big business district, and it’s very central to Brussels. It’s a very lively neighbourhood that’s always on the move.”


The Making-Of of a photographic encounter with active citizens of Brussels’ Northern Quarter

The aim of this project is to shine a light on the people who bring life to the North of Brussels. We have identified key people who are deeply involved in their community. From employees and civil servants to shopkeepers, social workers and committed residents, each ‘player’ plays a significant role in the economic, cultural and social fabric of the district.

The moments captured are spontaneous (no second takes…). Each actor spoke to us about their life and their projects, revealing their authenticity and their love for the neighbourhood. We tried to capture their expressions (sometimes grimaces!), smiles and sincere gestures. The result is much more than a simple photo shoot. It’s an experience of discovery, learning and celebration of life in the North of Brussels.

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